Who's ready for some creepy damaged synth zombie type enemies?
Who's ready for some creepy damaged synth zombie type enemies?
Hey! I'm still alive! Something actually new! Last night I whipped up a portable generator model for the Scientist Hunt HD Map Pack. It can be turned on and off, and even comes with a goofy animation when it is turned on! This also based on a curious thing from a Half-Life expansion, see if you can figure out what!
Hi all! How to fix this? I used Blender to edit the model to put this model of the knife and replacing the og one in the GIGN model. And when I compiled the model I waked up with this problem. I'm new to editing Goldscr models in Blender.
Walther 9mm pistol.
Barney Calhoun and his fellow guards, now all in High Definition Pack style ;) Warm greetings to you all, fellow Half-Life fans, and merry Christmas! Eight months ago I made a blog on Gamebanana about Security Guard models from the Gearbox's HD Pack and their issues that were bothering me. And, due to the release of Half-Life: MMOD, I've managed to improve those models to make them more friendly to customizations (between each other at least). And so, here's an addon that not only fixes the Ba…
If there's any features you want in StudioMDL, please tell me! Since I have a custom version of it, which is basically at Sven Co-op levels in terms of vanilla GoldSrc. I can add pretty much anything. So for example, I may begin working on adding support for pretty much every 3D model format out there, so you can export to OBJ and be able to reference it in your QC and it'll just work.
What program is recommended for Goldsrc modelling?
Glock 17
Super Defintion Pack for Absolute Redemption - Work in Progress Bonus folder - Alternate weapon reskins
Super Defintion Pack for Absolute Redemption - Work in Progress Bonus folder - Alternative NPC reskins