Slowly but surely getting close to finishing this thing. One last run through all the maps with finishing touches, then soundtrack, and it should be done. Releasing this year actually looks promising. #xash3d
Slowly but surely getting close to finishing this thing. One last run through all the maps with finishing touches, then soundtrack, and it should be done. Releasing this year actually looks promising. #xash3d
Weekends are for mapping, right?
Working on this turbine room right now. Still heavily WiP, so if you have anny suggestions, now's your time to shine! :)
Worked on this area for the last few days. :)
[RU] С детализацией пока-что всё бедно, но идёт. Медленно, но идёт. [EO] Detalado nun estas malabunda, sed faro iĝas. Malrapide, sed iĝas. [ISV] Detalizacija v momentu bedna/slaba, ale ide. Medlo/nebrzo, ale ide. [HY] Մանրամասները թույլ են, բայց գործը գնում է: Դանդաղ, բայց գնում է: #halfeffect #halflife #masseffect #mapping
(WiP) Round rooms are such a pain to do. All weird angles, staying on grid is a nightmare. Worth it in the end because you don't come across round rooms very often.
What a wonderful feeling it is to return to your favorite job... Finally, after a huge break, I can create and share my creativity again... Well... It's time to make life different.
Alright, I need your help. I made this hallway and I need something interesting to stick to the rectangular panels on the walls. Some interesting shape, machine or whatever you can think of. Doesn't need to be interactable, just for the player to look at. Setting is an industrial power plant. Any ideas? 🙂
Some map progress. :)
Recently finished this area. :)