i've released a cool mappack for HL1 that i've been teasing here, it took a bit to release due to some issues and some sacrifices had to be made but here it is!
It's outdated by today's mapping standards, but there's something so comforting to me about They Hunger's chunky geometry and gloomy lighting
current prefabs for Half-Life: Posthuman moddb.com/mods/half-life-post-hu… Modeling and Programming is open for TAG and PH (Programming not open for PH, role filled) (no requirements, apply here: discord.gg/vkt2AykUeC)
A new area I've been working on recently. What do you think?
Finally got some mapping done tonight! :)
Hey! I'm still alive! Something actually new! Last night I whipped up a portable generator model for the Scientist Hunt HD Map Pack. It can be turned on and off, and even comes with a goofy animation when it is turned on! This also based on a curious thing from a Half-Life expansion, see if you can figure out what!
Anyone have more ideas for posters that could hang in a Weyland-Wutani power plant? :D
“The Dog That Refreshes!”
Barney Calhoun and his fellow guards, now all in High Definition Pack style ;) Warm greetings to you all, fellow Half-Life fans, and merry Christmas! Eight months ago I made a blog on Gamebanana about Security Guard models from the Gearbox's HD Pack and their issues that were bothering me. And, due to the release of Half-Life: MMOD, I've managed to improve those models to make them more friendly to customizations (between each other at least). And so, here's an addon that not only fixes the Ba…