The pretty guys, but now in ultra HD You can use the models here:
i've been having too much fun remaking the tau cannon, WIP! <3
Early 2010 model edits & animations for that short time when I started out with MilkShape3d before switching to 3dsmax. Also an old video with these and more:
i just suddenly remembered i made this once, take a wild guess on which iconic half life character this is
Probably one of my most difficult and complicated GoldSrc projects was the "Skelepuncher" model in 2016~17 because I wanted death animations to have him fall apart. This involved baked physics animations but also blending with existing animations. The rig used a simplified version for collisions then the simulations were run using 3dsMax MassFX. The violent death animations was done by a big pink ball used for collision. The rest was releasing the pieces freely and letting the gravity sim do…
she push
Nihilanth's death animation is actually a Controller's "CONTROLLER_writhing" (but slowed down a bit to make it more realistic). But what if we put the animation back into Controller? YEAAAAH! Metal!!!11
Improving the ammo's of half life Here is where you will find all the photos :
updated Jay model for TimeWarp!
Some cosmetics!