Probably one of my most difficult and complicated GoldSrc projects was the "Skelepuncher" model in 2016~17 because I wanted death animations to have him fall apart.  This involved baked physics animations but also blending with existing animations.  The rig used a simplified version for collisions then the simulations were run using 3dsMax MassFX.  The violent death animations was done by a big pink ball used for collision.  The rest was releasing the pieces freely and letting the gravity sim do the work.  Another layer of difficulty is how playermodel animations are locked to a certain FPS & framecount or else they get clipped/sped up.  To compensate I re-timed the simulation to fit within that framecount and timing.  The model and download is in this post:
Probably one of my most difficult and complicated GoldSrc projects was the "Skelepuncher" model in 2016~17 because I wanted death animations to have him fall apart.  This involved baked physics animations but also blending with existing animations.  The rig used a simplified version for collisions then the simulations were run using 3dsMax MassFX.  The violent death animations was done by a big pink ball used for collision.  The rest was releasing the pieces freely and letting the gravity sim do the work.  Another layer of difficulty is how playermodel animations are locked to a certain FPS & framecount or else they get clipped/sped up.  To compensate I re-timed the simulation to fit within that framecount and timing.  The model and download is in this post:
Probably one of my most difficult and complicated GoldSrc projects was the "Skelepuncher" model in 2016~17 because I wanted death animations to have him fall apart.  This involved baked physics animations but also blending with existing animations.  The rig used a simplified version for collisions then the simulations were run using 3dsMax MassFX.  The violent death animations was done by a big pink ball used for collision.  The rest was releasing the pieces freely and letting the gravity sim do the work.  Another layer of difficulty is how playermodel animations are locked to a certain FPS & framecount or else they get clipped/sped up.  To compensate I re-timed the simulation to fit within that framecount and timing.  The model and download is in this post:
Probably one of my most difficult and complicated GoldSrc projects was the "Skelepuncher" model in 2016~17 because I wanted death animations to have him fall apart.  This involved baked physics animations but also blending with existing animations.  The rig used a simplified version for collisions then the simulations were run using 3dsMax MassFX.  The violent death animations was done by a big pink ball used for collision.  The rest was releasing the pieces freely and letting the gravity sim do the work.  Another layer of difficulty is how playermodel animations are locked to a certain FPS & framecount or else they get clipped/sped up.  To compensate I re-timed the simulation to fit within that framecount and timing.  The model and download is in this post:

Probably one of my most difficult and complicated GoldSrc projects was the "Skelepuncher" model in 2016~17 because I wanted death animations to have him fall apart. This involved baked physics animations but also blending with existing animations. The rig used a simplified version for collisions then the simulations were run using 3dsMax MassFX. The violent death animations was done by a big pink ball used for collision. The rest was releasing the pieces freely and letting the gravity sim do…


Nihilanth's death animation is actually a Controller's "CONTROLLER_writhing" (but slowed down a bit to make it more realistic). But what if we put the animation back into Controller? YEAAAAH! Metal!!!11
