The imitation of cloud shadows in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is crazy. I wanna see it in any Source engine because this effect is cheap.
The mod in the screenshots: S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Oblivion Lost Remake 2.5
The imitation of cloud shadows in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is crazy. I wanna see it in any Source engine because this effect is cheap.
The mod in the screenshots: S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Oblivion Lost Remake 2.5
The imitation of cloud shadows in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is crazy. I wanna see it in any Source engine because this effect is cheap.
The mod in the screenshots: S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Oblivion Lost Remake 2.5

The imitation of cloud shadows in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is crazy. I wanna see it in any Source engine because this effect is cheap. The mod in the screenshots: S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Oblivion Lost Remake 2.5

To combat an old Half-Life bug with cut-off dlights on overly scaled textures, I've introduced a radius multiplier for dynamic lights, so we can enable lighting on the neighbor surfaces as well.

This however has a problem by actually lighting up too many surfaces that do not receive any lighting, potentially hurting the performance.

... Until I found a fix for that in JoeQuake, which seems has been taken from FitzQuake, which attributes LadyHavoc, best known for DarkPlaces engine. It exactly checks whether the surfaces receive any lighting or not, which turned out to be perfect for my case here.

Attached comparison screenshots description: 
1) The demonstration of a bug. The texture of helicopter landing site on crossfire.bsp is stretched, which causes the dynamic light (Half-Life flashlight on the screenshot) to be cut off. For the purpose of demonstration, lit surfaces are marked with red color and the map lighting is toned down to better see flashlight.
2) With increased radius dynamic light lits the neighbor surfaces as well, giving more correct result.
3) This screenshot shows the crossfire bunker entrance, which has lesser amount of stretched textures, but with the increased radius it lits surfaces that don't get any light from the flashlight.
4) With enabled LadyHavoc's fix, only the surfaces that's lit by the flashlight get marked
To combat an old Half-Life bug with cut-off dlights on overly scaled textures, I've introduced a radius multiplier for dynamic lights, so we can enable lighting on the neighbor surfaces as well.

This however has a problem by actually lighting up too many surfaces that do not receive any lighting, potentially hurting the performance.

... Until I found a fix for that in JoeQuake, which seems has been taken from FitzQuake, which attributes LadyHavoc, best known for DarkPlaces engine. It exactly checks whether the surfaces receive any lighting or not, which turned out to be perfect for my case here.

Attached comparison screenshots description: 
1) The demonstration of a bug. The texture of helicopter landing site on crossfire.bsp is stretched, which causes the dynamic light (Half-Life flashlight on the screenshot) to be cut off. For the purpose of demonstration, lit surfaces are marked with red color and the map lighting is toned down to better see flashlight.
2) With increased radius dynamic light lits the neighbor surfaces as well, giving more correct result.
3) This screenshot shows the crossfire bunker entrance, which has lesser amount of stretched textures, but with the increased radius it lits surfaces that don't get any light from the flashlight.
4) With enabled LadyHavoc's fix, only the surfaces that's lit by the flashlight get marked
To combat an old Half-Life bug with cut-off dlights on overly scaled textures, I've introduced a radius multiplier for dynamic lights, so we can enable lighting on the neighbor surfaces as well.

This however has a problem by actually lighting up too many surfaces that do not receive any lighting, potentially hurting the performance.

... Until I found a fix for that in JoeQuake, which seems has been taken from FitzQuake, which attributes LadyHavoc, best known for DarkPlaces engine. It exactly checks whether the surfaces receive any lighting or not, which turned out to be perfect for my case here.

Attached comparison screenshots description: 
1) The demonstration of a bug. The texture of helicopter landing site on crossfire.bsp is stretched, which causes the dynamic light (Half-Life flashlight on the screenshot) to be cut off. For the purpose of demonstration, lit surfaces are marked with red color and the map lighting is toned down to better see flashlight.
2) With increased radius dynamic light lits the neighbor surfaces as well, giving more correct result.
3) This screenshot shows the crossfire bunker entrance, which has lesser amount of stretched textures, but with the increased radius it lits surfaces that don't get any light from the flashlight.
4) With enabled LadyHavoc's fix, only the surfaces that's lit by the flashlight get marked
To combat an old Half-Life bug with cut-off dlights on overly scaled textures, I've introduced a radius multiplier for dynamic lights, so we can enable lighting on the neighbor surfaces as well.

This however has a problem by actually lighting up too many surfaces that do not receive any lighting, potentially hurting the performance.

... Until I found a fix for that in JoeQuake, which seems has been taken from FitzQuake, which attributes LadyHavoc, best known for DarkPlaces engine. It exactly checks whether the surfaces receive any lighting or not, which turned out to be perfect for my case here.

Attached comparison screenshots description: 
1) The demonstration of a bug. The texture of helicopter landing site on crossfire.bsp is stretched, which causes the dynamic light (Half-Life flashlight on the screenshot) to be cut off. For the purpose of demonstration, lit surfaces are marked with red color and the map lighting is toned down to better see flashlight.
2) With increased radius dynamic light lits the neighbor surfaces as well, giving more correct result.
3) This screenshot shows the crossfire bunker entrance, which has lesser amount of stretched textures, but with the increased radius it lits surfaces that don't get any light from the flashlight.
4) With enabled LadyHavoc's fix, only the surfaces that's lit by the flashlight get marked

To combat an old Half-Life bug with cut-off dlights on overly scaled textures, I've introduced a radius multiplier for dynamic lights, so we can enable lighting on the neighbor surfaces as well. This however has a problem by actually lighting up too many surfaces that do not receive any lighting, potentially hurting the performance. ... Until I found a fix for that in JoeQuake, which seems has been taken from FitzQuake, which attributes LadyHavoc, best known for DarkPlaces engine. It exactly c…

i never thought i'd manage to make something like this, but good god i've made it!

original idea for the vines by @goldsrcguy

(this is also for a mod project i was planning and still working on for years, i might need some help but so far things are quite alright)
i never thought i'd manage to make something like this, but good god i've made it!

original idea for the vines by @goldsrcguy

(this is also for a mod project i was planning and still working on for years, i might need some help but so far things are quite alright)
i never thought i'd manage to make something like this, but good god i've made it!

original idea for the vines by @goldsrcguy

(this is also for a mod project i was planning and still working on for years, i might need some help but so far things are quite alright)
i never thought i'd manage to make something like this, but good god i've made it!

original idea for the vines by @goldsrcguy

(this is also for a mod project i was planning and still working on for years, i might need some help but so far things are quite alright)

i never thought i'd manage to make something like this, but good god i've made it! original idea for the vines by @goldsrcguy (this is also for a mod project i was planning and still working on for years, i might need some help but so far things are quite alright)
