The imitation of cloud shadows in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is crazy. I wanna see it in any Source engine because this effect is cheap. The mod in the screenshots: S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Oblivion Lost Remake 2.5

The imitation of cloud shadows in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is crazy. I wanna see it in any Source engine because this effect is cheap. The mod in the screenshots: S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Oblivion Lost Remake 2.5
Recently finished this area. :)
To combat an old Half-Life bug with cut-off dlights on overly scaled textures, I've introduced a radius multiplier for dynamic lights, so we can enable lighting on the neighbor surfaces as well. This however has a problem by actually lighting up too many surfaces that do not receive any lighting, potentially hurting the performance. ... Until I found a fix for that in JoeQuake, which seems has been taken from FitzQuake, which attributes LadyHavoc, best known for DarkPlaces engine. It exactly c…
Did this room tonight. 🙂
i've released a cool mappack for HL1 that i've been teasing here, it took a bit to release due to some issues and some sacrifices had to be made but here it is!
Nothing too crazy, but I like how it turned out. :)
i never thought i'd manage to make something like this, but good god i've made it! original idea for the vines by @goldsrcguy (this is also for a mod project i was planning and still working on for years, i might need some help but so far things are quite alright)
This mod has epic destruction [Link to ModDB: moddb.com/mods/half-life-savior-… ]
current prefabs for Half-Life: Posthuman moddb.com/mods/half-life-post-hu… Modeling and Programming is open for TAG and PH (Programming not open for PH, role filled) (no requirements, apply here: discord.gg/vkt2AykUeC)