


♂ 1992 | Mapmaker since 2007 | Musician since 2009 | Somewhat coder since 2020 | Developer of the single-player mod Diffusion (based on Xash engine): https://moddb.com/mods/diffusion

Joined 10 Aug 2021
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You Actually Tried
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Stare At The Art
Two Years
Two Years
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Babysitting Job
Babysitting Job
If only Drill Instructor Barnes could see you now! #OpposingTheBar
Companion Cube
Companion Cube
Gain 100 Likes on a single post
Cat pics. Cat pics, everywhere. #UniGeneration
Guard Duty
Guard Duty
Showed up for a rather blue shift #ShiftingTheBar

Reworked the car camera behavior to resemble my favorite game such as NFS MW, but with inspiration from newer titles to. Even though my mod is primarily first person shooter, I wanted to create my own "func_vehicle" as detailed as it is possible with my current skills. The car code was made completely from scratch and I'm very happy how it turned out in the end. You can find early prototype videos on my channel :)
