I do source engine mapping, programming and modding.
I work on Deathmatch Classic Refragged as a mapper.
I've been trying to get back into mapping and modding, work is just perventing that.
Probably one of my most difficult and complicated GoldSrc projects was the "Skelepuncher" model in 2016~17 because I wanted death animations to have him fall apart. This involved baked physics animations but also blending with existing animations. The rig used a simplified version for collisions then the simulations were run using 3dsMax MassFX. The violent death animations was done by a big pink ball used for collision. The rest was releasing the pieces freely and letting the gravity sim do…
Mann VS Machine.
I have finally finished the artwork I've been teasing.
A remastered art I made in 2012.
Reference picture: steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/f…
NVIDIA just open-sourced their Portal RTX Remix Runtime for the modding community to use.
This allows modders to add ray tracing to existing Source games/mods without changes to runtime.
Modder Igor Zdrovovitch has already got this working on Half-Life 2 and it looks stunning...
Nvidia RTX Remix Runtime Github: github.com/NVIDIAGameWorks/rtx-r…
Follow Igor's HL2RTX work: twitter.com/igorzdrowowicz
Been working on my first map withing S&Box/Source 2! It's untextured and undetailed still, off course. But it's getting somewhere. It's been really fun using the tools!