The LambdaGeneration Community Platform is now LIVE! 🎉

The LambdaGeneration Community Platform is now LIVE! 🎉
It's #BreakingTheBar day! We've launched a special webpage for the event - See the live player count, launch the game and play alongside streamers from around the community. breakingthebar.lambdageneration.… Let's Break that Bar!
Wow, we just hit over 200 users! 🎉 Thanks to everyone for the support so far! To ensure systems room smoothly, we've boosted the servers to 105 percent. Bit of a gamble, but we need the extra bandwidth. Just nobody go shoving crystals into it now.
Something we have made for #hl25 🎂 Maybe you also get an achievement here for finishing it!
Hi everyone, this is Jamil, the face of Alyx Vance; I'm very glad to join this platform and get a chance to talk to all of you fabulous people. Here is a link to the VŌC Podcast I mentioned: bit.ly/VOC_Interview Leave some questions in the comments!
HL2 VR: VR Episode 1 GIVEAWAY!!! To enter: 1. Like the post 2.Follow @source-vr-mod-team on LambdaGeneration 3.wait Winners will be picked on SUNDAY 4PM EST with keys being sent out later that day to the emails you registered your account with. RULES: you need to already own HL2 episode 1 to activate the key If you already have a key for HL2VR:episode 1 then you need not enter 1 key per person please Please note: By entering you are giving permission for LambdaGeneration to forward us your e…
This summer, Half-Life fans around the world will unite again to break the Blue Shift all-time peak Steam player count. Get ready for guard duty on August 24 when we will be #ShiftingTheBar
Valve have just released an update for Half-Life, which restores the original WON menu + new multiplayer maps! Wow. New maps: contamination pool_party disposal rocket_frenzy We're currently updating our HLDM servers with these!
The Community Platform has now reached 1000 members! 🎉 Thank you to everyone for the incredible support so far, including all those who have joined, given feedback and helped spread the word. It's been a pleasure to do this, and we are very excited to see where it goes!
This summer, Half-Life fans around the world will be attempting to break Opposing Force's All Time Peak Steam player count. Get your wrenches ready on August 13 for #OpposingTheBar 🔧🪖🐧