Hi everyone, this is Jamil, the face of Alyx Vance; I'm very glad to join this platform and get a chance to talk to all of you fabulous people. Here is a link to the VŌC Podcast I mentioned: bit.ly/VOC_Interview Leave some questions in the comments!

Hi everyone, this is Jamil, the face of Alyx Vance; I'm very glad to join this platform and get a chance to talk to all of you fabulous people. Here is a link to the VŌC Podcast I mentioned: bit.ly/VOC_Interview Leave some questions in the comments!
Oh nice! Thanks for joining us Jamil! Welcome :D
Welcome to LambdaGeneration! 👋
Hi Jamil! A very warm welcome to LambdaGeneration! It’s amazing to have you with us. As an original Raising The Bar owner, I’ve been seeing your (real) face for years without knowing much about the person behind it, so it was great to here your story with @ronaldhamrak recently. My question for you: Did you expect the Half-Life 2 games to be as big as they are and were you surprised at Valve giving Alyx her own game all these years later?
I had NO IDEA that it would be so big. Half-Life really did raise the bar! I only learned about the VR game in December when I mentioned my association with the game to sound “cool” to a group of younger people when they were discussing gaming and the Metaverse. Since then, I have been doing a ton of research around gaming, interviewing people in the industry, and hearing from fans. I am drinking from a fire hose to get caught up and loving every minute! Grateful to be here now!
Welcome to the crew!
Thanks Bruner. I am looking forward to learning the ropes!
Welcome to our community!! So amazing to have you here 🤩
Thanks so much! I am excited to be here!
Excited to have you here!
Jamil, how do you feel about people having the freedom to do make facial expressions such as this with what is essentially your face?
Ha! Ha! Love it! Make more!
Great to have you here! idk if you were reached out to by valve or if you applied for the role but when you first heard about the role did you have any idea of how big and important hl was to gaming? Did you have any expectations about how successful the sequel and episodes would be and were they met or even surpassed? What was the feeling like on release day?
Hello DomesticAlyx- check out my reply above to Alyx (Staff)….I was clueless and had zero expectations, I am just now in full-on learning mode, and I am over the top excited. Far more than on release day! Back then, it was just a job. Now I am on a mission to interact with and support gamers, and I couldn’t imagine a better affiliation!
Welcome to the community! It's an honor to have you with us 🤩 :alyxpog:
You guys…I am the one that feels honored!
Enjoy your stay here in this wonderful community!
Hope to be around for awhile 😉
Say what? 🤭 Thank you for the welcome!
Hi Jamil. I have a question, Have you been through any face scans at Valve lately?
Not recently- but if they need to age Alyx or have models for off-spring, I can make myself (and my four kiddos) available!
Amazing to have you here! Also, what is it like being the face of a character, but someone else voices them?
A little strange…but then I was thinking it was kind of similar to the fact that it takes two people to make a person and it took two of us to bring Alyx to life as well (along with artists and animators)!
Going by how good the VOC podcast is at bringing the people behind Half Life to the community I can't wait for Gabe to join us here Also: Welcome! And great to have you here!
That would be awesome! Ronald, from the VOC podcast, is solid and has been so supportive. I reached out to Gabe recently and will put in a good word!
No sadly. Although having a chance to ask the big guy himself a question would be lit ngl
Welcome to the community!! It's great seeing member who was involved in half life 2 development here 😁😁
Thanks! Tell me how everyone gets here! All fans? Some developers? Do you know how this site started? I’m intrigued!
Well, a lot of us folks here gets here through their discord server which could be found through their twitter, some of the fans here was a website beta tester before this place was ready. As for developers, @laniminella is here! She's the voice behind Colette Green in half life decay, you can thank @ronaldhamrak for bringing you guys here :))
Awesome! I have a few questions though. First of all did you know about Half Life before your face got used for Alyx? And do you know about the Half Life 2 Beta?
No and no. Boring answer but true. I knew so little back then, yet I am so in love with Alyx today and everything I am learning about her. I have a VR set and hope to start playing soon! Ha! I should stream that- Alyx playing Alyx! But seriously, I would need serious tips so that I don’t look like a complete tool!