Half-Life 2 just broke a new all-time peak player count - with 45,273 active players - and rising! This surpasses the previous (known) record of 16,101 from the #BreakingTheBar event we co-hosted in 2021.

Half-Life 2 just broke a new all-time peak player count - with 45,273 active players - and rising! This surpasses the previous (known) record of 16,101 from the #BreakingTheBar event we co-hosted in 2021.
#OpposingTheBar was a fun event and multiplayer was a blast i got my first badge :) that's awesome P.S i also participated in #BreakingTheBar and #RememberFreeman back in the day, i didn't have LambdaGeneration account at that time but hey it was a memorable experience for me 😁
Flashback to my setup for the original #breakingthebar event: 12:30am for me so I just left my laptop plugged in in the bathroom :) Just about time to do it all again for #opposingthebar!
I just saw that there is a badge for #rememberfreeman and I was asking myself about how can I get it? I was there too and also at the #breakingthebar. Also is there any place to see all the badges that exists???
We shoul do something like #breakingthebar for TF2. Maybe #MennVsMachines ? And we should do it for portal too. I like the idea #enteringtheportal that I've seen.
Wait, we already started? By the way, I have been here for one year now, so, today's event is nice way to celebrate it. Let's #RememberFreeman and start #BreakingTheBar once again!
Besides #BreakingTheBar and #RememberFreeman where there any other Half-Life player count community events I've missed out on?
New All Things Lambda! This week, we recap the #BreakingTheBar event and talk about how we smashed that previous record, the Half-Life: Echoes remake in the Source Engine and more.
How it was. #BreakingTheBar
Hey guys! One dude suggested to do the same event as #BreakingTheBar, but in portal 2 and call it #EnteringThePortal. I propose to arrange it on August 20, and before that spread this idea across the community