just in time

just in time
The door of death
I #ShiftedTheBar ! Beat it under the time limit while in the Discord server call with the community!
Ayo quadrazid is back at again with his banger speedruns. Go show the video some love.
This is 1000% the best Speedrun skip known to mankind, you cannot say otherwise Bonus : if you're lucky, you can find the funi umbrella man from the Interloper ARG (i hope he doesn't 'NO fiddlesticks' me
Valentines day People dedicating love, having questionable moments and couples kissing Fuck it, this is the 10th time i beat Half-Life 8:30 AM - 12 PM (+15 Minutes [12 PM - 12:15 PM] because of Uplink) 3 & a half, start to finish, continous, no pause. Yes, 3 HOURS STRAIGHT
another fact: tripmines placed by default in hl1 start undeployed. helped in on a rail without the car, again
alright, a strategy i realized: if you swim out of the water and throw a nade at the same time it flies up very high (half life 1) realised while playing on a rail without the car thing