

How would you reimagine nova prospekt as a more terrifying place, in design and concept.


Guys, i've just read a HL2 theory from twitter and i was like omg fr fr ?? I resumed that theory with grok, as it was damn huge So, you guys ever wondered how did Freeman manage to humiliate a multiversal empire like the combine in HL2 ? Well, ever since the resonance cascade, Gordon had some kind of "unlimited" respawn. Besides, when Freeman went off Gman's hands, vortigaunts gave him possibility to respawn every single time thanks to the vortiessence. As the theory claims, no matter how low the chances are, as long as they're not 0, Freeman will revive as many times as necessary The only way these "unlimited respawns" become useless is if the chances of winning, in certain scenarios, are absolute 0%. And the only moment in the franchise where we could have had 0 chances of winning was if we rejected G-Man's offer at the end of last chapter of HL1, which would lead to G-Man sending gordon to a xen place with tons of enemies and without any weapon. Although gordon may still revive, …


G-Man: The "government man" Theory Something I've always been interested in is the G-Man speech at the end of Half Life. Primarily because G-Man uses some very choice language, first he says that he took away Gordon's weapons because they were "government property" which could be seen as him being snarky with Gordon but I think it's interesting to remember when coupled with the fact that he later says "Zen is under our control" and then we are in the middle of a scene that shows dead marines and tanks in Zen. I think it's strange that he says this will showing US marines and equipment in Zen, also it's a bit interesting that he thanks Gordon for being responsible for putting Zen in "our control." The Opposing Force G-Man speech makes things even more interesting with G-Man only detaining Adrian Shephard because he's a "witness" and describes Black Mesa as an embarrassment. Why does he care? He also later comments about Shepherd being a "civil servant" which again could just be him ma…

i just noticed that the gene worm from opposing force might have used the same stock sound effects as the antlion's hissing sounds from half life 2

I recently learned that Breen is around 72 by the time HL2 started. If he's that old, what was Combine gonna do if Gordon never showed up and Breen died of old age?

I uploaded a new video! Half-Life: Blue Shift Beta - Removed Flashlight

(Edited by Staff)
One of the reasons I love Half-Life is exploring, through animation, the aftermath of the Black Mesa Incident. How is it possible that nobody has created serious content about the reasons why humanity was defeated in only seven hours of war by the Combine? We're talking about billions of deaths, and this happened just 20 years ago. Countries would cease all economic exchanges with each other and focus instead on protecting the cities with the largest populations (New York, Paris, London, Moscow, Tokyo, Sydney, São Paulo, and Beijing)  by Portal Storm and the Wildlife from Xen.

source gif: Neinfield

One of the reasons I love Half-Life is exploring, through animation, the aftermath of the Black Mesa Incident. How is it possible that nobody has created serious content about the reasons why humanity was defeated in only seven hours of war by the Combine? We're talking about billions of deaths, and this happened just 20 years ago. Countries would cease all economic exchanges with each other and focus instead on protecting the cities with the largest populations (New York, Paris, London, Moscow,…


Is it ever hinted that there are multiple Citadels in Half-Life 2? During Episode One, Kleiner said something like "Citadel networks." I assume it means there are other Citadels on Earth right? But that begs the question of why the Combine would have multiple Citadels instead of one. Would it make sense to just have one Citadel? The purpose of the Citadel is kind of left ambiguous. Is it a base of operations? Technically yes since Breen is stationed at one of them. Is it a factory? Yeah also. Is it a power plant? It has two reactors, the Core and the Dark Fusion Reactor. Maybe it's a giant glorified thumper, it shakes the ground in the chapter "Our Benefactors". Now, I have a theory but I have to ask you guys something. Where would you think the portal storms went after the Combine occupied Earth? Before Half-Life 2, portal storms appeared and caused havoc on Earth. It also brought the Combine in. We also know that in Half-Life: Alyx there were multiple portal storms. During Half…


HII! I have spent the last 4 months constructing this google doc containing the entire Half-Life and Portal timeline WITH MODS INCLUDED!! PLEASE BEAR IN MIND THAT IT IS STILL BEING WORKED ON. The Doc is at near completion, (I want to say around 80%?) if you have any suggestion PLEASE LET ME KNOW. i always love to improve this!