

This video essay is about the fundamentals of Half-Life 1. I made this a few months ago as a school project and it did well! Decided to share it here as I am really proud of it! Enjoy!

Never noticed this photo of Eli and Azian in Kleiner's lab

Never noticed this photo of Eli and Azian in Kleiner's lab

we need medical attention

note:im aware some things arent right but this is quite aways from half life so the combine have grown and the rebels have grown

we need medical attention note:im aware some things arent right but this is quite aways from half life so the combine have grown and the rebels have grown


I created a short video in which I talk a little about the Resonance Cascade. The film is mainly for Polish-speaking audiences, but there may be subtitles in the future. The first of many videos ;)


What do you all think of the idea that Black Ops actually assisted the military until they pulled out?

Messing with some mods and I've only just noticed this detail. This room only exists to be the transition between two maps, but the devs still decided to add the exit sign despite disabling one of the doors when you enter the next map, I guess for clarity? But why would the rebels set this up? Assuming City 17 and surrounding areas indeed exist in some Cyrillic speaking country, this would be the Cyrillic specific sign, not the English one, at least assuming this building wasn't primarily in use by English speaking people. So did some Rebel just manage to keep this English Exit sign and maintain it to the point of pristine condition? Even after twenty-odd years, the Seven-Hour War, AND the Combine takeover? Just... peculiar, I guess.

Messing with some mods and I've only just noticed this detail. This room only exists to be the transition between two maps, but the devs still decided to add the exit sign despite disabling one of the doors when you enter the next map, I guess for clarity? But why would the rebels set this up? Assuming City 17 and surrounding areas indeed exist in some Cyrillic speaking country, this would be the Cyrillic specific sign, not the English one, at least assuming this building wasn't primarily in use…


Do you guys agree Adrian Shepherd was the first rebel? Context is the video "Saving Every Scientist in Half Life: Opposing Force"

I've been reading through cut dialogue from Breen, Eli, and Judith and you can learn so much that's only implied in game.

Dual theories on the Combine and the G-Man: The Advisors, before the Combine, were a highly advanced race that would live in dreams. The Advisors had a virus that stemmed from a malicious thought, but beat it. Later on, the Advisors thought the virus had returned, but it was the Combine (source, BreenGrub Twitter). The Combine: The Combine are a self-replicating, ever expanding empire with the only goal of assimilating, draining, and combining worlds. The original race is long dead, it's simply a cycle that is ever-turning and never-ending. It's goal isn't to become hyper-advanced, and their are no life forms that are thriving off of the enslavement of other races. They are all enslaved, and they can only continue to enslave. In a way, they are a virus. The G-Man: Hatched advisors can choose their own forms, but this isn't a normal hatched advisor, I think it's an infected one. Think about the Vault they have him in for HLA. It's the shape of a macrophage. They refer to y…
