


Troidord himself

Joined 14 Aug 2022
Judgement Day
Judgement Day
Witnessed #GabeGPT become three aware
Create 100 posts
Made it
Made it
Completed the LambdaGeneration Half-Life 25th Anniversary Adventure
Shit Show
Shit Show
Experience a crappy event
Cat pics. Cat pics, everywhere. #UniGeneration
Two Years
Two Years
There won't be any more.
Guard Duty
Guard Duty
Showed up for a rather blue shift #ShiftingTheBar
heres some ragdoll poses i managed to get on the hl2 mod "the burden equation" pt3
heres some ragdoll poses i managed to get on the hl2 mod "the burden equation" pt3

heres some ragdoll poses i managed to get on the hl2 mod "the burden equation" pt3

heres some ragdoll poses i managed to get on the hl2 mod "the burden equation" pt2
heres some ragdoll poses i managed to get on the hl2 mod "the burden equation" pt2
heres some ragdoll poses i managed to get on the hl2 mod "the burden equation" pt2
heres some ragdoll poses i managed to get on the hl2 mod "the burden equation" pt2

heres some ragdoll poses i managed to get on the hl2 mod "the burden equation" pt2

heres some ragdoll poses i managed to get on the hl2 mod "the burden equation" pt1
heres some ragdoll poses i managed to get on the hl2 mod "the burden equation" pt1
heres some ragdoll poses i managed to get on the hl2 mod "the burden equation" pt1
heres some ragdoll poses i managed to get on the hl2 mod "the burden equation" pt1

heres some ragdoll poses i managed to get on the hl2 mod "the burden equation" pt1

thank you guys i didnt think some crappy gm construct render would get this many likes and cause my notifications to go crazy

thank you guys i didnt think some crappy gm construct render would get this many likes and cause my notifications to go crazy