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Joined 4 Jan 2023
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Portal Storm:

In the aftermath of the Resonance Cascade at Black Mesa, Portal Storms occurred all over the world bringing forth life forms from Xen. This peculiar phenomenon is generally capable of inflicting severe structural damage to objects, such as buildings and bridges. A Portal Storm consists of a blue "wave" which resonates from a source portal and moves across the landscape, negating gravity as it goes. As a result, any object in its path would suffer damage from the brief weightlessness effect.
Between the events of Half-Life and Half-Life 2, more specifically after the death of the Nihilanth and before the Combine invasion, earth was struck with portal storms, wherein the powers of the Nihilanth over the portals between Xen and Earth dwindled and fluctuated out of control.

Portal Storm: In the aftermath of the Resonance Cascade at Black Mesa, Portal Storms occurred all over the world bringing forth life forms from Xen. This peculiar phenomenon is generally capable of inflicting severe structural damage to objects, such as buildings and bridges. A Portal Storm consists of a blue "wave" which resonates from a source portal and moves across the landscape, negating gravity as it goes. As a result, any object in its path would suffer damage from the brief weightlessne…
