Slowly but surely getting close to finishing this thing. One last run through all the maps with finishing touches, then soundtrack, and it should be done. Releasing this year actually looks promising. #xash3d
Slowly but surely getting close to finishing this thing. One last run through all the maps with finishing touches, then soundtrack, and it should be done. Releasing this year actually looks promising. #xash3d
Some more gorgeous shots 👌 We'll be covering more of the @hl2rtx Demo when it launches next week!
He should Runaway from every social media💔💔
The gonarch leg decided to keep upright
Happy with how this room turned out. :)
i haven't posted this but a month ago i got this baby for 80 rupiah (around ~5 dollar-ish in USD)!! i couldn't care less if it seen better days, I LOVE THE CUBE!!!
room tour!! do you guys think she likes it??? :3333
Back in the day, wokeism wasn't even a thing. The world wasn't very politicized back then, unlike nowadays
Furry Gordon Freeman, or should I say; Gordon Furman Yeah I'll see myself out
Antonov was truly a marvel. Here are my favorite HL2 beta concept arts from him. I really like that old citadel design, it looks so simple at a first glance, yet when you look at it deeply, it's so intricate. On the other pictures, you can see metrocops rushing, in high alert, they are coming from, a big door, really makes you wonder, what is behind that door, where are they going? And my favorite is the last image, human architecture torn apart, red sky from so many portals opening up. You can …