


18 | he/him | Half-Life modder/pixel artist/modeler/animator/whatever. Also working on a little mod called TimeWarp.

Joined 24 Jun 2021
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Happy 24th birthday, Wasteland Half-Life! Here's some official artwork by Illiendream for Wasteland Half-Life!
Happy 24th birthday, Wasteland Half-Life! Here's some official artwork by Illiendream for Wasteland Half-Life!
Happy 24th birthday, Wasteland Half-Life! Here's some official artwork by Illiendream for Wasteland Half-Life!

Happy 24th birthday, Wasteland Half-Life! Here's some official artwork by Illiendream for Wasteland Half-Life!


Finally added a hotkey handlers to my mainui_cpp from Xash3D FWGS, featuring Half-Life WON menu. However, behavior differs from WON launcher. In WON it handles it on key press, which makes navigation confusing, and sometimes it might react twice or more. Like if you're in main menu, pressing 'C' to open configuration menu, and it jumps straight to controls menu instead. This is probably due to mishandled button repeat, but I'm not sure. Instead, I do it on key release, which allows in my opini…


TimeWarp is easily one of the most impressive looking Half-Life based projects I've ever seen, and a new demo was released for it last weekend. Of course I had to play it immediately and I have collected my thoughts on it in this video! Enjoy!!!
