i was bored so i made a @radhaz iceberg
--=||Raining in Xen ||=--
Only 6 hours left to submit to #LambdaBuilds Escape From Black Mesa! Some great looking submissions so far - keep them coming 👌 lambdabuilds.lambdageneration.co…
Some photos I took from the Water Hazard chapter in HL2. I love how the time passes from start to finish.
So, guys, what is your thoughts about in developing game Citadel? How it will looks? I wanna some leaks about this game so bad 😰
we are creating a mod that swaps Day and Night in half-life 2 called half-life 2: dark life. This means that c17 will be night and ravenholm day!
Black mesa with raytracing
The re-design first level I make for my mod
There is now a changelog right in the pause menu. New features, fixed bugs, neat stuff in the latest builds - all is there.