So, guys, what is your thoughts about in developing game Citadel? How it will looks? I wanna some leaks about this game so bad 😰

So, guys, what is your thoughts about in developing game Citadel? How it will looks? I wanna some leaks about this game so bad 😰
So what do I think? Whenever there is a new Half-life game or discussion about it, I climb the fucking walls. (This is a prediction, not everything will be accurate for all I know). I think it's going to be kind of like Zombie Master or Natural Selection (though I haven't played NS before, but heard that it is similar). I think it will be a multiplayer game, VR player(s) on the ground (I don't know if there will be more than one), and a Desktop player viewing the landscape in a RTS way. The desktop player might spawn enemies units in to fight the VR players similar to Zombie Master. I feel like the enemy spawning will be more dynamic than just... them spawning: you know like Combine coming in from a drop ship, Ant lions coming out of the ground, zombies breaking out of the walls etc. Do I think they'll be a campaign? I do, but don't know what it will be about. People mention Barney or Shephard like... all of the time, but I think people are getting their hopes up. I don't think it's going to come out this year. My best prediction is that it will be announced in late 2021 or earlier 2022. 2022 is when I think it will come out, it seems too much of a big project to be released now or as just DLC for Half-life: Alyx (apparently it's on the same engine build as Alyx with tweaks). I hope it is it's own game just because I WANT more Half-life, not HL: Alyx. I actually had a nightmare about to Citadel. Whenever I'm thinking about the multiplayer part, I'm thinking Half-life 2 Deathmatch or Day of Defeat Source. But, this isn't the same Valve as before. My nightmare was that the game was like CSGO were it had lootboxes and the game wasn't fun in a very competitive sense. I'm a little scared about Citadel, Half-life: Alyx was Valve playing it VERY safe and it worked. But, Citadel could be anything. But for the multiplayer, you got to keep in mind that times are different and so is Valve. And that is a worrying idea for me. Those are my thoughts...
I like your concept. Im wondering if valve will give us opportunity to play as combine, as transhuman soldier, this will be awesome
Yeah that would be AWESOME. There is also HLX, and honestly I have no idea what that could be about. HLX may come out after Citadel if I had to guess
Citadel could be anything, if it is an RTS vs. VR sort of thing there is likely going to be something very innovative that sets it apart. Valve have something totally unique up their sleeves and we barely have a clue as to what it is, for example, leaks suggest being able to puppeteer units? I'm very excited to find out what it turns out to be, because Valve has almost always tried to release games to the best of their quality.
Yeah I hope so too man. I just want more Half-life and hope Valve can just make GREAT game. I liked Alyx and all... but it was fun for the first or second playthrough and I hope Valve goes more off with the walls for this one. But, I don't know, we will see.
I have a theory, We might see this game around the same time the Steam Deck releases. From what I believe, Citadel is a asymmetrical multiplayer game involving both VR and Desktop players being pitted against each other. Just like when Valve released Alyx to companion the Index, we may see Citadel come out to companion both the Deck and Index.
I suspect that that would be the case. Valve themselves are apparently a fan of how Nintendo designs hardware and software hand in hand. You can see how they've done something similar with co-designing the Index with Half-Life: Alyx
If it’s a rts as some are saying , it will be VERY werid to see how they coo with it . It might be XCOM or fallout tactics style .
well there is rts Lambda Wars mod for HL2, it’s quite interesting. But if they will do like in Call To Arms game, i mean if they will combine fps and rts, that u can choose one unit, let’s say combine soldier, and then control it from first person, that’s will be on another level of coolness. But let’s be realists, i think Citadel will be something different, not rts.