An unwavering, undying passion project since 2008, PVKII continues to have a diehard fan following. A dedicated and energetic team is always working on new content such as; the upcoming: balance update, Buccaneer class, gamemodes, alternate weapons!

We be lookin' for new mateys to come aboard the dev team, or create/contribute whenever they'd like! Check out the image and let us know below if you or someone you know might be interested! Have a skill that we didn't list? No worries me'hearty, let us know and we'll see if there is an opportunity!

Capacities we hope we can fill are coder, SFM animator and/or video editor, 3d artist and/or mappers.

Play for free only on Steam! |

An unwavering, undying passion project since 2008, PVKII continues to have a diehard fan following. A dedicated and energetic team is always working on new content such as; the upcoming: balance update, Buccaneer class, gamemodes, alternate weapons! We be lookin' for new mateys to come aboard the dev team, or create/contribute whenever they'd like! Check out the image and let us know below if you or someone you know might be interested! Have a skill that we didn't list? No worries me'hearty, le…

theres a interesting trend about source games for example "running half life 2 on a usb and then unplugging it"

Got back home today and... Mom bought some wallpaper and aplied it all over the kitchen, our house now looks like a source map with the wrong materials applied, not even the window scaped xddd

Got back home today and... Mom bought some wallpaper and aplied it all over the kitchen, our house now looks like a source map with the wrong materials applied, not even the window scaped xddd

Hello everyone! We finally decided to create a LambdaGen account to introduce ourselves better. We're one of the oldest-first HL2 zombie survival mods released on Steam back in 2008 still releasing updates. Featuring 3 official gamemodes (Objective, Survival and Hardcore), you join a group of Survivors to complete a list of objectives or survive the timer of the map or until the zombie lives runs out. 

We've a vast variety of official and custom maps by the community, different type of community servers (some running custom plugins with perks, rpg etc) and so much more for you to enjoy. This game wouldn't be nothing with out custom content created by many modders of the community!

The current dev team is lead by @tabajara77, with our programmers @wuffesan and @shepard62fr and other devs. Any questions, don't hesitate to ask us!

Please enjoy your stay and hopefully you like our game! It's totally free and standalone (no need to have HL2 installed). Perhaps you might like one of the community servers!

- Zombie Panic Team.

Hello everyone! We finally decided to create a LambdaGen account to introduce ourselves better. We're one of the oldest-first HL2 zombie survival mods released on Steam back in 2008 still releasing updates. Featuring 3 official gamemodes (Objective, Survival and Hardcore), you join a group of Survivors to complete a list of objectives or survive the timer of the map or until the zombie lives runs out. We've a vast variety of official and custom maps by the community, different type of communit…
