Pirates Vikings & Knights II

Pirates Vikings & Knights II


Official Account for Pirates, Vikings, and Knights II (PVKII) Three teams. 11 classes. One ultimate goal. Win! Play for free only on Steam.

Joined 5 Mar 2022
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An unwavering, undying passion project since 2008, PVKII continues to have a diehard fan following. A dedicated and energetic team is always working on new content such as; the upcoming: balance update, Buccaneer class, gamemodes, alternate weapons!

We be lookin' for new mateys to come aboard the dev team, or create/contribute whenever they'd like! Check out the image and let us know below if you or someone you know might be interested! Have a skill that we didn't list? No worries me'hearty, let us know and we'll see if there is an opportunity!

Capacities we hope we can fill are coder, SFM animator and/or video editor, 3d artist and/or mappers.

Play for free only on Steam! 
play.pvkii.com | pvkii.com

An unwavering, undying passion project since 2008, PVKII continues to have a diehard fan following. A dedicated and energetic team is always working on new content such as; the upcoming: balance update, Buccaneer class, gamemodes, alternate weapons! We be lookin' for new mateys to come aboard the dev team, or create/contribute whenever they'd like! Check out the image and let us know below if you or someone you know might be interested! Have a skill that we didn't list? No worries me'hearty, le…

Ahoy ther'! Interested in PVKII development, and want to help us test new content? New content includes: 

- Buccaneer, the Pirate Tank!
- The new Alternate Weapon System, where every character enjoys a plethora of unique side-grades to spice up the game!
- A brand new gamemode called Duel, with new maps and rules!
- And plenty mores!

Deadline is December 15 to apply for this wave of applications!

Simply read and fill this form, and we'll consider you for the beta testing team! https://forms.gle/bZPAh8WNWptm3F2s6

Ahoy ther'! Interested in PVKII development, and want to help us test new content? New content includes: - Buccaneer, the Pirate Tank! - The new Alternate Weapon System, where every character enjoys a plethora of unique side-grades to spice up the game! - A brand new gamemode called Duel, with new maps and rules! - And plenty mores! Deadline is December 15 to apply for this wave of applications! Simply read and fill this form, and we'll consider you for the beta testing team! forms.g…