I've started a Portal found footage series!
Just wanted to share a Portal-themed project I completed a little while ago here. For my school's Senior Show, I created a Portal-themed graduation song with the help of Ellen McLain who graciously gave her voice to the song.
Something cool I thought I'd do is making a bunch of custom PBR materials for Portal 2 assets. I think I'm doing a good job so far.
I've made a full concept for a Portal Dead by Daylight Chapter. It took over 8 months to complete, so I hope you enjoy it!
Sounds pretty good ngl
Early render test of a portal "animation" in blender I'm working on. The finale render have fog. Edit: Ok this will not happen for awhile cause I want it rendered as fast as possible using either eevee or cycles at low samples and finding a good optimizer is driving me nuts
A test I did in Blender. I wanted to see if I could make a scene in eevee ethereal I fake the indirect lighting instead of baking it. I achieved this by putting a large area light under the map and disabling shadows. I did this because baking indirect lighting and rendering a frame in cycles takes forever! This on the other hand speeds up the process with each frame set to 256 takes only about half a minute to render. Where I learned what I did (I think): youtube.com/watch?v=mbb32j…