While Portal 1's design is timeless, it's unfortunately far from perfect, and after the last video I made on it, I learned that many people have struggled over the years with one of its last levels. In this video, I look into why this is, explore said level's history, and try redesigning it to address its issues. Welcome to a series I like to call "Betafied." I hope you all enjoy!

Portal-Found footage w.i.p. areas

Part 3 of the found footage series I'm making

I've started a Portal found footage series!

Just wanted to share a Portal-themed project I completed a little while ago here. For my school's Senior Show, I created a Portal-themed graduation song with the help of Ellen McLain who graciously gave her voice to the song.

Something cool I thought I'd do is making a bunch of custom PBR materials for Portal 2 assets. I think I'm doing a good job so far.