#BreakingTheBar2 Just Playing Half-Life 2 MMOD

#BreakingTheBar2 Just Playing Half-Life 2 MMOD
I will document my personal best so that next time I can beat it even faster #RememberFreeman
I took part in the event speed-running the game just like 16k+ of my fellow HALF-LIFE 2 fans.
ENG: I was able to do this... RUS: Я смог это сделать...
I guess this category wouldn't be complete without this. It's the thumbnail after all.
🍁 Half-Life: Opposing Force Coming Soon...
I've just beated Half-Life uplink Not much to say. Ik it's a demo, but yet still feels too short. I'd suggest it for speedruns Final note: 7/10
#breakingTheBar2 BlackMesa Gameplay Plzs Watch it OwO