
Valentines day

People dedicating love, having questionable moments and couples kissing

Fuck it, this is the 10th time i beat Half-Life

8:30 AM - 12 PM (+15 Minutes [12 PM - 12:15 PM] because of Uplink)

3 & a half, start to finish, continous, no pause. Yes, 3 HOURS STRAIGHT

Valentines day People dedicating love, having questionable moments and couples kissing Fuck it, this is the 10th time i beat Half-Life 8:30 AM - 12 PM (+15 Minutes [12 PM - 12:15 PM] because of Uplink) 3 & a half, start to finish, continous, no pause. Yes, 3 HOURS STRAIGHT


another fact: tripmines placed by default in hl1 start undeployed. helped in on a rail without the car, again


alright, a strategy i realized: if you swim out of the water and throw a nade at the same time it flies up very high (half life 1) realised while playing on a rail without the car thing