
Fan Comics
Fan Comics
Yes, I really wasted my time on this "AMAZING" plot. :D But that's okay. 

"Strider's brain"

Single page.

Yes, I really wasted my time on this "AMAZING" plot. :D But that's okay. "Strider's brain" Single page.

Quick sketch. Don't ask me.... This is just my first reaction to this scene. 

P.s. It's too dumb to be a joke. I know ;D

Quick sketch. Don't ask me.... This is just my first reaction to this scene. AND YES, THE VORTIGAUNT DESERVES IT. P.s. It's too dumb to be a joke. I know ;D

The reason G-Man was still on the phone when Shephard (or anyone else) arrived at the dam. Opposing Force Fanart.

I actually was going to draw a different pic next; but because #OpposingTheBar was announced, I drew this one first. :3

And yes that's a random flying headcrab in the end panel; I had nothing else to put there. :D

The reason G-Man was still on the phone when Shephard (or anyone else) arrived at the dam. Opposing Force Fanart. I actually was going to draw a different pic next; but because #OpposingTheBar was announced, I drew this one first. :3 And yes that's a random flying headcrab in the end panel; I had nothing else to put there. :D

(Edited by Staff)
HL: Change begins with us: Marcel
My awesome community and I have lovingly put this comic together so thanks to them for all their efforts in helping me build the worls of Change Begins With Us. I have ao much fun working on this series and it brings me a lot of joy to see my little community enjoy it too c: so thanks to them, and thanks to YOU for reading :D
HL: Change begins with us: Marcel
My awesome community and I have lovingly put this comic together so thanks to them for all their efforts in helping me build the worls of Change Begins With Us. I have ao much fun working on this series and it brings me a lot of joy to see my little community enjoy it too c: so thanks to them, and thanks to YOU for reading :D
HL: Change begins with us: Marcel
My awesome community and I have lovingly put this comic together so thanks to them for all their efforts in helping me build the worls of Change Begins With Us. I have ao much fun working on this series and it brings me a lot of joy to see my little community enjoy it too c: so thanks to them, and thanks to YOU for reading :D
HL: Change begins with us: Marcel
My awesome community and I have lovingly put this comic together so thanks to them for all their efforts in helping me build the worls of Change Begins With Us. I have ao much fun working on this series and it brings me a lot of joy to see my little community enjoy it too c: so thanks to them, and thanks to YOU for reading :D

HL: Change begins with us: Marcel My awesome community and I have lovingly put this comic together so thanks to them for all their efforts in helping me build the worls of Change Begins With Us. I have ao much fun working on this series and it brings me a lot of joy to see my little community enjoy it too c: so thanks to them, and thanks to YOU for reading :D
