A friend-ship is a sacred floater, a kemo-thera-sabe putic bond twixt two 'n's, like cookies 'n' beans, frank 'n' cream, friends. i've never supped from the meat cup of having even one chum. but my crony-less-ness is aboot to die of loneliness-ness, for today is the day i make my first real friend
man this is so cute oml
The joy and whimsy of making a new friend 🥺
A friend-ship is a sacred floater, a kemo-thera-sabe putic bond twixt two 'n's, like cookies 'n' beans, frank 'n' cream, friends. i've never supped from the meat cup of having even one chum. but my crony-less-ness is aboot to die of loneliness-ness, for today is the day i make my first real friend
And so the beer prophesy was made
Very nice! 👌
Thank you :D
they had sex later
Had to check out Induction after seeing this, and it was fun! Very cute comic!
Heh! Very wholesome, also I really like your art style! :>