Valve will always have something that epic games will not… and that is the steam anime waifu girl that appears in all of the sales. I’d like to see epic try to match that!

Hi guys, I noticed that both in the VALVe game and in the VALVe game Mods community and even in the Source Filmmaker videos where the sequels or the Next Projects are better than the previous one. HL1 was revolutionary because of the idea of narrative in FPS, HL2 WAS EVEN MORE REVOLUTIONARY BECAUSE OF THE PHYSICS. TEAM FORTRESS CLASSIC WAS MORE. TEAM FORTRESS 2 BROUGHT A 3D CARTOON THAT WAS EASY TO RECOGNIZE AND POPULARIZED HERO SHOOTERS, INSIRING OVERWATCH, PORTAL DIFFERENTIATES ITSELF FROM P…

I thought there would be a 5 year update for HLA, but after HL2 20 years, I saw the sense in HLA receiving an anniversary update just like HL & HL2 which were released decades ago. and also that HLA is the new VALVe = Source 2, Steam Consolidated, VR & Steam Deck. Official Half-Life Alyx Promotional Art = VALVe.
hap the birth to hla (never played it, but i really want to)
DotA 2 vs CS2 vs LoL Players (Steam only), economy and workshop: CS2 > DotA 2 Celebrities: LoL: Faker, Uzi, Bwipo, Choby, etc. CS2: s1mple, JW, ohnepixel, znorux, FaZE, etc. DotA 2: does anybody know them ? Viewers (e-sports tournaments): LoL > DotA 2 Animated show(s): LoL > DotA 2 Optimization and size: LoL > DotA 2 (Optimization and size) CS2 > DotA 2 (Optimization and size; DotA 2 > CS2 in terms of workshop tools) Conclussion: why tf does Valve put more effort on a flop game like DotA 2, instead of putting all their budget on fixing CS2 and give us a conclussion for Half-Life ? I know that DotA 2 gave them a lot of money in the first years, but that "golden age" is over. No valve fan even knows DotA 2 was made by Valve, nobody cares about DotA 2. We want TF2 to be fixed and improved, we want a strong anti-cheat and optimization fixes for CS2, we want Half-Life 3, we want a lot of things (including SFM to be finished, tho i rlly doubt that since Valve moved to Source 2 in 2015)…

5 More Orbs #LambdagenGamenight

What it's like having almost 100 players in the server: #gamenight #lambdagenerationgamenight

LoL better. Still had fun playing DotA, only suggestion is to add a feature that makes the camera auto-track my character (like on LoL) Only good thing is that Dota 2 is optimized enough to use the workshop tools. No other Source 2 game (HLA and CS2) can run its workshop tools on my laptop, except Dota 2 Despite being addictive, i still don't understand why'd Valve put much more effort, even when other games like CS, PUBG or LoL have better and bigger numbers than Dota on EVERY aspect

reminder to close steamvr when not using or your internet bill will be huge

50 cents of dollar for this I love it