Valve will always have something that epic games will not… and that is the steam anime waifu girl that appears in all of the sales. I’d like to see epic try to match that!
formimg a family with children is too old fashion. Nowadays families are those we make on Steam

Valve: It's just a small bug no one will care. The entire community: VALVE PLEASE FI-

"I hate Valve puzzles."

Why is it whenever I load a map with missing assets, I can hear "oh fiddlesticks, what now?" why is it specifically THIS? Why did Valve decide that the placeholder sound for missing assets had to be this? The sound has been haunting me for a long time... I have nightmares about it. It's getting increasingly worse. Last night I dreamt that Mr. Valve went and fiddlesticked in my room. It was terrifying. I was at school, and my teacher was repeatedly spouting out that cursed line. Help me. I'm going to go insane. He's approaching now. I can hear his call. Goodbye, cruel world. Mr. Valve has found me.

"Mr Valve"

Its real lmao

Gaben Core (More in the comments!)