half life momemnt (dont actualy like if you dontwa nt to ok?? ok...)

half life momemnt (dont actualy like if you dontwa nt to ok?? ok...)
Grim Realization i like to believe that the reason why gordon didn't speak during the elevator scene where he meets alyx is because he's having a no-ponytail crisis. clearly the g-man knew that ponytails wouldn't be in style in 20 years time, so he did what had to be done, for the sake of gordon's mission.
LambdaGeneration... more like Color Wheel Generation AmIRight?
"All things Valve" - LambdaGeneration HL25 Edition A demake of this post: community.lambdageneration.com/l… #HL25 #HL
Retail Alyx & Beta Alyx
Times change 🤗
Half-Life 2 Deathmatch: Global Offensive Would you play it?
This summer, Half-Life fans around the world will unite again to break the Blue Shift all-time peak Steam player count. Get ready for guard duty on August 24 when we will be #ShiftingTheBar
Me and Merle united forever ❤️
friendly reminder edit by: Jancias