Here is my first batch of the GoldSrc Mapping era, This map is called "Ruins of Black Mesa" Which involves Gordon going back into Black Mesa a few years after it collapsed( makes no sense story wise I know, I just wanted to make smth)

Community Manager for the Half Life Alyx NoVR mod Half Life Alyx Player and Mapper. Banner made by @chriswithanexistance
Here is my first batch of the GoldSrc Mapping era, This map is called "Ruins of Black Mesa" Which involves Gordon going back into Black Mesa a few years after it collapsed( makes no sense story wise I know, I just wanted to make smth)
Since the Release of my First Map went not so well, im working on a second part, this Continues from the end of the first map (transition not yet implemented it just throws you into a random campaign level) This will continue gordons story of exploring Black Mesa, this time it will be set outside more than inside, since I wanna do some outside mapping, still learning everything though!
Offices of Black Mesa, HAS NOW BEEN RELEASED! Go Check it out! I also posted a thread on TWHL Link here: twhl.info/thread/view/20635?page…, Please try out the Map if you want! Im really proud of it and its the first full map which I made!
Hope yall enjoy this small little Update! I am happily working on this Map, and will finish it before I think about the next one!
Guess whos back! your right, its not me its my glorious (cap btw) mapping skills, I bought Half life Alyx (sale btw) and I now have the most powerful tools (to fry my gpu) to map!
Before I go to sleep Enjoy Batch #2, its the rebuilt map with a lot better textures IMO
Hey, itsa me again! First off, im sorry ive left for a while, I had to do some stuff but now im back, i have put the 2 maps ive made (one for CSS one for HL2) in a zip and uploaded it to Google Drive, Ive also provided the source files so you guys can edit it, hope to see some edits soon! drive.google.com/file/d/1QD9JakN…
psst, ive been making smth, CS:S to be precise, I got it gifted for New Years, so I can finally mod in one of my favourite games, this is the CT Spawn Point and their way to middle!
Should I release my map today?
Update for City-Defense is out: steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/f… (for those that dont know, City Defense is a small mod I made for Half-Life Alyx)