
psst, ive been making smth, CS:S to be precise, I got it gifted for New Years, so I can finally mod in one of my favourite games, this is the CT Spawn Point and their way to middle!

psst, ive been making smth, CS:S to be precise, I got it gifted for New Years, so I can finally mod in one of my favourite games, this is the CT Spawn Point and their way to middle!

Jan 4

Ive made the map some more, but I switched back to CS2, since I can now compile using my CPU (GPU aint RTX), so im makin some stuff in Source 2, hope yall gonna enjoy it, if yall want, ill provide the map files so yall can make a Continuation of the map, it looks more advanced than this screenshot, if you guys want that, please upvote this