
Hey, itsa me again! First off, im sorry ive left for a while, I had to do some stuff but now im back, i have put the 2 maps ive made (one for CSS one for HL2) in a zip and uploaded it to Google Drive, Ive also provided the source files so you guys can edit it, hope to see some edits soon!â€Ķ

Jan 10

hey! i played the combineraid house and few thoughts: what i'd do is reposition the metropolices a bit, not hide them in corners or too close to the walls so they could shot player in the back (one time is fine but the other room the guy got me again hehe) and i missed some itemcreates supplies on it. also i thought barney would have a scripted sequence on the door by blasting open and using the combine console. nice concept!

Jan 10

I tried the barney thing, those consoles were more decoration that actual function, it worked the first time I tried, but then it didnt after like 2 compiles 8didnt do anything to it, also im kinda going back to goldsrc because I want to try Trenchbroom, which has some GoldSrc Support, also I might join a team to Develop a mod soon (if im able to make ithappen) but I will definetly consider your ideas if I ever make something like this again