


Community Manager for the Half Life Alyx NoVR mod Half Life Alyx Player and Mapper. Banner made by @chriswithanexistance

Joined 11 Nov 2023
In Stasis making map
Made it
Made it
Completed the LambdaGeneration Half-Life 25th Anniversary Adventure
One Year
One Year
Time flies when you're browsing Half-Life memes

Guess whos back! your right, its not me its my glorious (cap btw) mapping skills, I bought Half life Alyx (sale btw) and I now have the most powerful tools (to fry my gpu) to map!

Hi, im alive lol, in the meantime where I havent posted, I have been modding, PAYDAY 3 and BONELAB, and I have been enjoying half life 2, so ill maybe post a few things

Hello there again, uhh I found a new hobby ig? Halo Modding, yes you heard that right, I have officially become a 343i sucker lol, I have been trying to mod halo 3 for the past 2 hours, and so far i have been succesful