Continuing my review of the Half-Life games with the second expansion for the original Half-Life, Blue Shift! Give it a read on the site: metrocop.net/articles/half-life-…

For the series of reviews I am doing on Metrocop.net, instead of using something generic like cover art, I've taken screenshots of iconic moments in each respective game for the featured image of each review. These are the shots for the original Half-Life and expansions. Half-Life 2 and episodes soon to come! You can read the latest review here: metrocop.net/articles/half-life-…

On a rail by Minifgnick

Half-Life 2 Deathmatch: Global Offensive Would you play it?

A few months ago I asked Valve for permission to publish my Half-Life fan game on Steam and... guess what? Codename: Loop is coming to Steam, hopefully with a demo later this year! The game will be completely free. #CodenameLoop

I heard you like beta, so here are 10 pre-release images of Half-Life 2, ranked by their beta vibes. ❤️ if you ❤️ beta!

Did you know that Surface Tension originally started with Boot Camp? There's concept art remaining for this iteration of the map. It had the same opening as seen in the "changelevel" area of Alien Research Lab (C2A4) to C2A5. Judging by the concept, it is likely that not much of the chapter was too different from the later version. You still went onto the Cliffside and ended up in the Military Camp section. It is unknown to how much the map differed in the early/mid 97 version of the chapter to…

BUILDING3.BSP was an early version of C2A5E. Whether or not BUILDING3 pre-dates Surface Tension or if it was migrated into the chapter during development is unknown. But it is the same base map, even with one of the Osprey paths being intact in the E3 version of the map. C2A5E was also the base for the Valve's Team Fortress map: "Hunted," which was later ported to Team Fortress Classic. Hunted also contains some early geometry to C2A5E (that are likely newer than the E3 1998 build of HL.)
TODAY IS THE DAY!! HL2VR DROPS TODAY!!! Today hl2vr drops so here is what you need to know: 1. The mod is free but you need to own hl2(but you already own that already) 2. the mod does NOT support the episodes 3. The mod supports mods(kind of) mods cannot use custom code. texture replacements and map-based mods do work, however. 4.the mod on launch will go into "public beta" which means expect bugs. we are working on them This is only the beginning of something special, and we cant wait to share in the joy with all of you!