The historic first Metrocop Awards winners have been chosen! The Garry's Mod comics community voted on the nominees and the winners were announced in Metrocop’s dedicated Garry’s Mod server. Find out who won:…
Does LambdaGeneration support Markdown or any type of markup? I saw a comment by Alex from 2021 saying you were planning on supporting it in the future.
The nominees for the Metrocop Awards have been chosen! You can now vote on the winner of the awards on the Metrocop forums. Best of luck to all nominees!
Voting on the Metrocop Awards nominees has begun! The comics community has been incredibly busy for the past year and we're celebrating the best of the best. And YOU can vote on the winners as well! Register on the Metrocop forums and make your voice heard on the nominations topic:… May the best comics and creators win!
Announcing the first-ever Metrocop Awards! Metrocop, the pre-eminent website for comics created with the Source engine, is proud to reveal that we will be recognizing the best comics created since the site's relaunch in late 2022 up to the end of this year. Voting will be conducted on the Metrocop forums ( next year and only comics released on the Metrocop forums themselves or added directly to Metrocop's extensive archive in the aforementioned period will be eligi…
Got a couple of broken images with "502 Bad Gateway" HTTP codes on my last post. Not sure if it's something with my post itself or the site.
A couple of shots from my latest comic—and yes, that is a Super Saiyan Male_07. You can read the full comic over at
I released my first comic in six years! This is a guest episode of the classic Garry's Mod comic series Jeff, which has been going since 2005. Hope you enjoy!, the Source engine comics and Half-Life content website, just relaunched its forums in celebration of the anniversary of the relaunch last year as well as the eleventh anniversary of the original website. You can already find some comics created with Garry's Mod and Source Filmmaker in the "Comics" section, and there's a Half-Life Discussion section just waiting for your hot takes on the Half-Life series. If you miss the forums of old or just wanna read some really good comics, vi…
I've posted about it before but not on the newfangled GMod community, so I figured I'd post it here once as an FYI: There's a website with over 700 comics created with Garry's Mod called Metrocop ( If that's your kind of thing, you'll find no shortage of good content to read there - from some of the first comics ever created to some of the best. (And no, unfortunately, we do not have Concerned there, Chris Livingston politely refused) There's more to come too, but I'm sur…