web notifications can repeat three times
Throwing Flashbang! (seriously how did this happen lol)
Has anyone else expierenced a bug where the website won't let you scroll down and keeps snapping back in place, generally seems to happen after exiting a post and only sometimes resolves itself.
It’s a minor issue but the portal 2 icon reaction blends with the background making it hard to see
How'd da fawk did my notifications do this? community.lambdageneration.com/l…
Yo, is it normal that I have negative followers? x)
weird bug i found [i fixed it by refreshing]
i am switching between channels WAY too fast for lambdagen (yes i only found portal content when i scrolled down. bruh)
Uhhh. When you see @ronaldhamrack ‘s profile preview, it shows he is apart of the LambdaGen Staff. But on his profile page, it says he is a Overwatch Moderator. This probably is also with other moderators