


Male He/Him Birthday: 1/21/20XX Other platforms; Steam; maxwellsmart345 Epic games; ilovetacos2501 XBOX/Microsoft; maxwellsmart34 Roblox; MaxwellSmart34 (A2W) X = Private Info

Joined 11 Oct 2023
LA, California
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So.. how exactly does the AR2 Prototype carry 3X the ammunition? The mag looks about the same, and they share the same ammo pool.
So.. how exactly does the AR2 Prototype carry 3X the ammunition? The mag looks about the same, and they share the same ammo pool.

So.. how exactly does the AR2 Prototype carry 3X the ammunition? The mag looks about the same, and they share the same ammo pool.

I have a question. If I wanted to make like a recreation of a historical political event with like HL2 characters for comedic affect, would that be allowed?

If anyone has played it or heard of it, does the remaster improve the hunt down the freeman expeirence or does it just make it look different?

I’ve heard my fair share of half life gun mistakes, but my inner gun nerd couldn’t help but notice that the Half Life 1 MP5 carries 50 rounds. This is impossible without a drum mag as regular MP5 mags carry about 30 rounds. It would be nice to see a mod fix this like MMod or something.
I’ve heard my fair share of half life gun mistakes, but my inner gun nerd couldn’t help but notice that the Half Life 1 MP5 carries 50 rounds. This is impossible without a drum mag as regular MP5 mags carry about 30 rounds. It would be nice to see a mod fix this like MMod or something.

I’ve heard my fair share of half life gun mistakes, but my inner gun nerd couldn’t help but notice that the Half Life 1 MP5 carries 50 rounds. This is impossible without a drum mag as regular MP5 mags carry about 30 rounds. It would be nice to see a mod fix this like MMod or something.