We have a new dev update article for Progenitors to celebrate the 2024 Mod of the Year awards!
We have a new dev update article for Progenitors to celebrate the 2024 Mod of the Year awards!
Yes, the past stream i played Entropy zero 1 in the gamenight of HL2 DM 20th anniversary, well i planed play Entropy zero 2 in stream youtube.com/live/0JsDN5hBwCQ?fea…
Blixibon just published the first Progenitors dev article! Go and take a look at what this exciting chapter in the Entropy : Zero universe offers.
We just published our first Axon Pariah developer update! New stuff!
The Conscripts? OICW? Combine Assassin? literally a Half-Life 2 beta fans dream game I really want to play it it looks awesome.
They're baaaaaaaack!
Entropy : Zero 2 developers appear to be teasing something in a very cryptic ARG over on the EZ2 Steam Hub. Some of the messages mention a 'payload arrival' coming on August 20th. A full decoding of the messages can be found here: gist.github.com/TankNut/f145e9e8…
For those that missed it - I'm back in the saddle.
I'm going to stream Marv's new addon, Prospekt : Zero Remake, on Saturday. Download the addon if you haven't already: steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/f… I'll be live on Twitch: twitch.tv/1upderek