


ORANGEBALL in LambdaGeneration, i am Graphic Designer, artist, cartoonist, animator, Sketch art, Ilustrator, I like video games like Valve games, community mods.

Joined 8 Aug 2023
Babysitting Job
Babysitting Job
If only Drill Instructor Barnes could see you now! #OpposingTheBar
You Actually Tried
You Actually Tried
Have a post Featured by a community moderator or staff member
Made it
Made it
Completed the LambdaGeneration Half-Life 25th Anniversary Adventure
One Year
One Year
Time flies when you're browsing Half-Life memes
Guard Duty
Guard Duty
Showed up for a rather blue shift #ShiftingTheBar
Bianca The Rabbit managed to escape from Quake and finish off shub-niggurath with her powerful magic, She collected the 4 relics, fought a more powerful shambler, deactivated the maximum security armagon and finished the dragon. is confident that it can eliminate the strogg race, and kill the leader, The Makron.

Quake (2021) - Remastered Models by ported by 6000 ANGRY BEES
Bianca (Spyro Reignited) ported by JawSFM
Map: gm_explore_asylum, ported by Jared (Map from Garry,s Mod made by Diomonder)

Bianca The Rabbit managed to escape from Quake and finish off shub-niggurath with her powerful magic, She collected the 4 relics, fought a more powerful shambler, deactivated the maximum security armagon and finished the dragon. is confident that it can eliminate the strogg race, and kill the leader, The Makron. Credits Quake (2021) - Remastered Models by ported by 6000 ANGRY BEES Bianca (Spyro Reignited) ported by JawSFM Map: gm_explore_asylum, ported by Jared (Map from Garry,s Mod made by Di…
