
The Conscripts? OICW? Combine Assassin? literally a Half-Life 2 beta fans dream game I really want to play it it looks awesome.

The Conscripts? OICW? Combine Assassin? literally a Half-Life 2 beta fans dream game I really want to play it it looks awesome.

Aug 21

I think what EZ2 expansion (forgot name) wants to establish is that before AR2, there was OICW. We were told that AR2 is relatively new gun (minimum 8 months old). This force thats our enemies are most likely as you said, conscripts. Here, conscripts serve as a temporary force before OTA soldiers start rolling out en mass. The conscripts here seem to be mostly comprised of former HECU, NATO, UN Peacekeeping force and US. The name of the forces is likely called Peacekeepers as in the gameplay footage the scanner said "Peacekeeper unit required". I like to imagine that at this point in time, the resistance as a global organisation under the Lambda hasnt formed yet or hasnt grown to be a major player. I think that at this point there are more "local" resistance groups and this peacekeeping one seems like one of these. They propably were loyal as a cover-up so they could steal combine APC V-100 Commandos and OICW's to fight better.