With the official release of Workshop support on Half-Life 2, I published the demo of my upcoming mod I'm working on focused on Nova Prospekt.
You can play it through here: steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/f…
Let me know what you think!
dread minus update: i have good news (yay) and bad news (aw man)
good news: im getting a brand new laptop with more ram and a better graphics card!
Bad news: I will have to remake dread minus from scratch ):
But! I think this may help, as
1. I have more tools for HL modding (XBLAH'S modding tool)
2. The maps will turn out better due to my better mapping skills!
So basically, everything about Dread Minus but for the trailer on yt is GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!
and im going to remake Dread Minus from scratch.. so see you next post!
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