


My brain is chock full of useless information about Half-Life.

Joined 29 Jun 2021
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The Anacrusis
The Anacrusis

You should check out the Left 4 Dead spiritual successor I've been working on with Chet Faliszek. It's on sale as part of the Steam sale, so if you are looking for a new co-op game with an l4d vibe - check it out. A few keys if anyone wants to check it out 4W4CM-3YJLC-TCTQG LTYNB-T8MZF-BWPRZ

🗺️ Half-Life Warp Guide 🗺️

When you reach office complex, make your way up to the second floor and go into the first room on the left. You'll find a TV, and 2 scientists climbing into a vent. Look at the TV, and continue to stare at it for ~12 hours. The screen should fade out and you'll warp to Surface Tension!


🗺️ Half-Life Warp Guide 🗺️ When you reach office complex, make your way up to the second floor and go into the first room on the left. You'll find a TV, and 2 scientists climbing into a vent. Look at the TV, and continue to stare at it for ~12 hours. The screen should fade out and you'll warp to Surface Tension! DO NOT BREAK THE TV!
