Some "Change Begins With Us" Rebel posters :D

We make gmod machinima, stream gmod improv, and maybe make games? Question mark?
Some "Change Begins With Us" Rebel posters :D
i am constantly thinking about portal 2s beta
New breakfast meals at Black Mesa: Crab Stew Three Hand Bacon Hive Spaghetti This may or may not be an attempt to subtly feed aliens to our Scientists.
Trying to combine Portal 1 and Portal 2's elevator styles.
Exploring Valve Archive, part 1. valvearchive.com>archive>Portal>Portal>Art>portalgun.jpg This image appears to depict early design concepts for the portal gun, showing different white casings, alternative moving parts, and what seems to be a prevalence of wires hanging from the handle section. Edit: The image originates from the official Portal 2 Collector's Edition Guide, a book which I would very much like to get my hands on.
Nothing, just bullsqudding.
Not a lot of stuff is here yet since I just started working on it
Sir Gordon of House Freeman Wanted to see what Gordon looks like in full heavy plate armor. Now I know.