


Formerly a Dr. Breen roleplay account, currently sketch things and ramble about lore and whatnot. I love art requests, please gimme some.

Joined 30 Nov 2021
Louisiana, U.S.A.
Create 100 posts
Judgement Day
Judgement Day
Took part in the #GabeGPT event
You Actually Tried
You Actually Tried
Have a post Featured by a community moderator or staff member
Follow Freeman
Follow Freeman
Reach 100 Followers
Babysitting Job
Babysitting Job
Took part in the #OpposingTheBar event
Made it
Made it
Completed the LambdaGeneration Half-Life 25th Anniversary Adventure
Two Years
Two Years
Be a member of the site for two years!
Stare At The Art

Just wanna say how peak this community is, I love this place, and I love seeing everyone’s artwork and mods. Thank you, LambdaGeneration!

Wanted to make some Radio Guy fanart.
Side note, I feel like Radio Guy is the opposite of Gordon Freeman, they look similar but ones a coward and the other is Freeman.

Wanted to make some Radio Guy fanart. Side note, I feel like Radio Guy is the opposite of Gordon Freeman, they look similar but ones a coward and the other is Freeman.


Currently playing Portal mods while mildly concussed, honestly doing about as good as I usually do

Basic map of White Forest Base

Pretty simple to make, although it probably could’ve been more aesthetically pleasing. Also, I had to extend the underground road part to include everything.

Basic map of White Forest Base Pretty simple to make, although it probably could’ve been more aesthetically pleasing. Also, I had to extend the underground road part to include everything.
