Today's definitely been a morning.
Hammer Fuckery: Prospekt era-esque 01 and 02 Been gone for a hot minute, dealing with real life stuff. Inspiration hit hard recently, enough to motivate me enough to jump into Hammer.
oh no I feel... VERY underwhelmed by this. Like Neon Prime/Deadlock used to be set in the HL Canon, with expanded universe Combine lore outside of Earth
"I've been thinking: What if Greg was right? What if injecting my consciousness into a computer robbed me of an eternal reward? Spiritually speaking." "Alright, I just read up on it. Stumbled on a book about a fella who lived thousands of years ago. Sacrificed himself to save mankind. Went by the name of Hercules. Destroyed all the world's monsters so humans'd be safe, then went to Olympus for his trouble. Damn it, death was my monster! And I killed it! Where's my Olympus?"
Here's the semi-annual "yes I am still working on Another Slice" post. These things, they take time.
Bleh, been busy with college still. Have a random WIP I've been working on. Mapper ADHD and rl stuff means I've been jumping around maps until I find something I want to commit to.
Did it for the Arbeit data stream as well.