


Currently I am nothing more than a die hard valve fan who is learning to draw more professionally. But I have plans, big plans...

Joined 23 Sep 2024
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Completed the LambdaGeneration Half-Life 25th Anniversary Adventure

So, I have a theory about everything that G-man does in the half-life series, and that is that it's all actually part of his plan to employ Alyx in half-life Alyx let me explain. So, when he gives the crystal to the black mesa scientists which starts the resonance cascade, he does it as a sort of "contest." in order to see who is competent enough to protect Alyx during the events of half-life 2 which is why he spies on characters like Gordon and Corporal Shepard. Both of which he believes to be solid candidates for his protection job. After Gordon defeats the Nihilanth at the end of half-life 1, G-man realizes that Gordon has won and there for employs him. After that G-man reactivates the nuclear warhead that will destroy the black mesa facility, which in turn will alert the combine to come and invade Earth. He does this so that the chain of events can be set up so that Eli will die at the end of episode 2 which he can use as his bargaining point for Alyx. But before that can happe…