Half-Life: Dark Matter

Half-Life: Dark Matter


Lambda Community page for Pipeline Software, now working on the unofficial Half-Life expansion "Dark Matter", return to Black Mesa as one of the deadly Black Ops!

Joined 10 Jun 2021
Pick Up That Can
Pick Up That Can
Site moderator
Joined the LambdaGeneration platform beta
I Was There
I Was There
Remembered to post for #RememberFreeman
Contributed a reaction emote to a community :D
Follow Freeman
Follow Freeman
Reach 100 Followers
You Actually Tried
You Actually Tried
Have a post Featured by a community moderator or staff member
Two Years
Two Years
There won't be any more.
Shit Show
Shit Show
Experience a crappy event
Guard Duty
Guard Duty
Showed up for a rather blue shift #ShiftingTheBar
Stare At The Art
There was Crowbar and Glock galore, getting run over by trains, getting blasted by nukes and becoming the inventor of John Crowbar.

Thanks to LambaGeneration and VaultF4 for hosting this super fun gamenight!

There was Crowbar and Glock galore, getting run over by trains, getting blasted by nukes and becoming the inventor of John Crowbar.

Thanks to LambaGeneration and VaultF4 for hosting this super fun gamenight!

There was Crowbar and Glock galore, getting run over by trains, getting blasted by nukes and becoming the inventor of John Crowbar.

Thanks to LambaGeneration and VaultF4 for hosting this super fun gamenight!

There was Crowbar and Glock galore, getting run over by trains, getting blasted by nukes and becoming the inventor of John Crowbar.

Thanks to LambaGeneration and VaultF4 for hosting this super fun gamenight!


There was Crowbar and Glock galore, getting run over by trains, getting blasted by nukes and becoming the inventor of John Crowbar. Thanks to LambaGeneration and VaultF4 for hosting this super fun gamenight! #LambdagenGamenight