That one friend that's too-HEY ITS FREEMAN

That one friend that's too-HEY ITS FREEMAN
I made a Fan-Made Half-Life 2 trailer, check it out!
ooooooooooooooo Portal 3
Half-Life 3 was obviously not going to be announced in the game awards. I’m a little disappointed at the people who were constantly asking for HL3 the ENTIRE TIME instead of just…. enjoying the event. People really need to relax once in a while.
In a documentary about Valve they tell about a lawsuit between the company and publisher Vivendi over Counter-Strike. Vivendi pelted Valve with documents in hopes that Valve would just run out of money for lawyers. The documents were in Korean. Luckily, the company had an intern from Korea who read thousands of pages and found evidence that Vivendi was purposely destroying evidences, which helped Valve win the lawsuit.
Happy anniversary to Half-Life 2! PLEASE PLEASE GIVE THE THRID GAEM PLEASE PLEASE OPEASE- (rendered in gmod) #HL2-20
Happy 20th Anniversary H A L F - L I F E 2 #HL2-20
Celebrating 20 Years of Half-Life 2 A fun little banner we made for the upcoming anniversary - feel free to use this as a wallpaper ^^ Tag your Half-Life 2 20th Anniversary creations with #HL2-20 on LambdaGeneration
We just pushed out a new article, including several renders of goodies. Check them out: moddb.com/mods/opposing-force-2/…