Privileged Unit 3650 and His Turret

Privileged Unit 3650 and His Turret
I dug up something funny while sorting through old files. While making E:Z2, we wanted scenes to change based on whether Wilson was with you, and we explored a few different options for that. Normally, scenes are played using a unique entity in the level editor that looks like the icon on the left/top. I considered making a custom version of this entity which would take Wilson into account and play a different scene if he was with you, so I made a custom version of this icon seen on the right/b…
someone had to do it
I can perfectly imagine Aperture being this petty.
The Deal.
We just published our first Axon Pariah developer update! New stuff!
Had enough of Orange Box fanart using the wrong version of Chell, so I made my own Orange Box fanart to balance things out ^^
Okay, it's my first post in this platform. Made in GMOD and Photoshop.
This poster was made back in March of this year. But I decided to share my one of my artwork here. Maybe you saw it on Steam. I made this poster in honor of two parts of this wonderful game series called “Entropy: Zero”. Made in Gmod and Photoshop. deviantart.com/rudzu/art/Entropy…
Rebels found something shiny in storage, so they decided to give it to Mossman. Can't risk her getting hurt, right?