
Bloody Body
Bloody Body
Dec 1, 2023

You don't need navy if you have no seas.

Feb 17, 2024

I imagined a level with combine attacking a rebel base while a beached ship of some former navy provides artillery cover for rebels

Nov 29, 2023

No they use star wars type air vehicles probably

Dec 2, 2023

In the Beta, Eli Maxwell mentioned "gunboats" getting teared to bits in the cut Particle Storm dialogue so maybe they do have seafaring vessels, but just the small types.

Nov 29, 2023

They don't really need a standing naval force because there's no big enough threat in the oceans that need a huge navy to deal with, and the combine are draining Earth's oceans anyway so having a navy would be useless.

Nov 30, 2023

r u sure they're draining it because it seems like there is a rather large amount of water still

Reply to okiehoi
Fred Figglehorn
Fred Figglehorn
Nov 30, 2023

Well, if you notice in HL2, some areas are very dried up. Many buildings are literally higher It’s more like it’s draining itself. Probably due to rapid changes in the climate and earth’s ecosystems due to combine and xen takeover rather than manual draining though.

Reply to Fred Figglehorn
Nov 30, 2023

o yea i forgot all the docks on h17 that are like really high above the sand that makes sense

Reply to okiehoi
Aivaras der Kurischer

They are draining it, the game gives you clear hints and it's mentioned in Raising the Bar.

Reply to Aivaras der Kurischer
Dec 5, 2023

raising the bar is mostly about the half life 2 beta which is barely tied to half life 2

Reply to Aivaras der Kurischer
Dec 5, 2023

and what clear hints? if they wanted to drain the sea they would have drained it after like 20 years bro

Reply to okiehoi
Aivaras der Kurischer

Raising the bar explained, that the Combine are gradually depleting earth's resources, like water & air, thus turning the outskirts of cities into uninhabitable wastelands. I believe they even mentioned, that the ocean waters are being gradually teleported away. The air exchange concept was cut, but the draining of oceans remains and we can very clearly see, that large amounts of sea water are missing & the water level has signifficantly dropped everywhere in the canal & coast chapters. We see ports with no more water, once moored ships are laying on sand, etc. There are plenty of traces of a former waterline remaining on natural formations & older strucures, that are partially submerged in water, or were in water at some point. Tides you would say? No, Eastern Europe has no large water bodies, that could be affected by the moon.

Reply to okiehoi
Dec 7, 2023

Chapters like "Water Hazard" and "Highway 17" give you clear hints such as dried up docks, wrecked boats, and many structures that have traces of a former sea line, indicating that the sea level is much lower than it was. Also a big chunk of the story, chapters, concepts and many of the factions and characters from the Half-Life 2 Beta were modified and made it to the finished retail game so it's not "barely tied" like you said.

Reply to oskartz
Jan 31, 2024

water hazard is in the canals isn't it? ofc the canals would be trained

Aivaras der Kurischer

When teleportation is brought into warfare, everything changes drastically and a lot of things are rendered completely obsolete. Navy would most surely be one of these things.

Nov 30, 2023

combine could not use teleportation except for that single teleporter in nova prospekt and the combine super portal that can only go between universes or something

Reply to okiehoi
Aivaras der Kurischer

And that is exactly what their main warfare tactic is - to give a single, but decisive blow by catching their victims off guard and attacking all of their key locations at once by using the superportal and striking with an overwhelming numbers of military might, because if they would have to depend on local front line tactics, they would probably suffer great loses and lose the war. This tactic is simmilar to what the Japanese empire used to do during WW2.

Reply to Aivaras der Kurischer
Dec 5, 2023

that's why they lost in half life 2 because they couldnt open a portal

Nov 29, 2023

probably no need. but it sounds kinda cool