


Hi I am valve fan what else I can say :P

Joined 9 Jun 2023
Made it
Made it
Completed the LambdaGeneration Half-Life 25th Anniversary Adventure
One Year
One Year
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I got a weird hack where it send a 50 dollar scam to all my homies in the friend list and before anybody asks, yes I fixed it now I think. I mean I did everything on a steam guide like unathorize all of the accounts. All I wonder is how it happaned? I didnt click on anything suspicious or type my steam acc


Anybody remember the HL roblox inspired fangame posts on the site? I want to see if the dude that made it made any progress

Did the "Born" poster from HL2 in Roblox on "Spray Paint & Donate Simulator"
Pro Tip: if you ever play and get griefed (I did 7 times) just hide the trolls scribbles.

Did the "Born" poster from HL2 in Roblox on "Spray Paint & Donate Simulator" Pro Tip: if you ever play and get griefed (I did 7 times) just hide the trolls scribbles.